PTCGO Errata

This document lists known errata for Pokemon: Trading Card Game Online extracted images and how they differ from physical cards.

PTCGO Unique Prints

These cards are either PTCGO-Only, or differ in some way from the corresponding physical print.

  • Champions Festival RSP:S14 8 [op] - Red Star Promo vs Black Star Promo w/ Worlds logo
  • Champions Festival RSP:S15 02 [op] - Red Star Promo vs Black Star Promo w/ Worlds logo
  • Champions Festival RSP:S16 01 [op] - Red Star Promo vs Black Star Promo w/ Worlds logo

Digital Errata Prints

These cards received a corrected PTCGO print, but a corresponding physical errata print was never issued:

  • Pokémon Catcher EPO:95 - PTCGO print writes “ERRATA APPLIED” to the top border.
  • Shield Energy PRC:143
  • Onix UL:56
  • Cyrus {*} UPR:120
  • Defender UD:72
  • PlusPower UL:80 - Physical print states “Attaches to the Pokémon”.
  • Jamming Net Team Flare Hyper Gear PHF:98
  • Fighting Stadium FFI:90
  • Unown TM:51
  • Exp. Share DRV:18 - Physical print lacks the “Tool” rule box.
  • Charizard PLS:136 - Scorching Fire was printed as [F][C][C][C][C] instead of the correct [R][C][C][C][C]

Errata Prints

These cards are errata printings that have physical counterparts:

  • Electrode EVO:40
  • Galvantula STS:42